Check out the Action Agenda for the Puget Sound Partnership
Check out the Action Agenda for the Puget Sound Partnership CLICK HERE!
Battelle Memorial Institute. 2004. Bainbridge Island Nearshore Habitat Characterization & Assessment, Management Strategy Prioritization, and Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared for City of Bainbridge Island, Winslow, WA by Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, WA. November. Available at: https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2555/BI-Nearshore-Assessment-Report---November-2004.
Cereghino, P., J. Toft, C. Simenstad, E. Iverson, S. Campbell, C. Behrens, and J. Burke. 2012. Strategies for Nearshore Protection and Restoration in Puget Sound. Technical Report No. 2012-01. Prepared in Support of the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project. Prepared for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, WA. Available at: https://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/02182.
City of Bainbridge Island. 2010. Bainbridge Island Current and Historic Coastal Geomorphic/Feeder Bluff Mapping. Prepared for City of Bainbridge Island Planning and Community Development, Winslow, WA by Coastal Geologic Services, Inc., Bellingham, WA. April 22. Available at: https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1765/Drift-Cell-Report-PDF?bidId=.
McManus, E., K. Jenni, M. Clancy, K. Ghalambor, I. Logan, S. Redman, B. Labiosa, K. Currens, T. Quinn, W. Landis, K. Stiles, and J. Burke. 2014. The 2014 Puget Sound Pressures Assessment. Puget Sound Partnership. Publication # 2014-04. Tacoma, WA. Available at: https://sites.google.com/site/pressureassessment/
Macneale, K. and B. Sosik. 2019. Stressor Identification and Recommended Actions for Restoring and Protecting Select Puget Lowland Stream Basins. Prepared for Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Quality Program, Olympia, WA by King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division, Seattle, WA. December. (Note: Section 4.2 addresses Manzanita Creek) Available at: https://your.kingcounty.gov/dnrp/library/2019/kcr3098/kcr3098.pdf.
Munsch, S.H., J.R. Cordell, and J.D. Toft. 2017. Effects of shoreline armouring and overwater structures on coastal and estuarine fish: opportunities for habitat improvement. Journal of Applied Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12906.
Nightingale, B. and C.A. Simenstad. 2001. Overwater Structures: Marine Issues. White Paper, Research Project T1803, Task 35. Prepared for Washington State Transportation Commission, Department of Transportation, Olympia, WA and in cooperation with Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. May. Available at: https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/508.1.pdf.
West Sound Watersheds Council. 2016. West Sound Nearshore Integration and Synthesis of Chinook Salmon Recovery Priorities. Prepared by Confluence Environmental Company, Coastal Geologic Services, Wild Fish Conservancy, and Kitsap County. November. Available at: https://www.kitsapgov.com/dcd/PEP%20Documents/West%20Sound%20Nearshore_final_113016.pdf.
Eyes over Puget Sound: Regular monitoring of Puget Sound by the Washington Department of Ecology.